- Safe Water Facility: The aim is to propagate the best methods of safe water, water scarcity management facilities provision through demonstration and dissemination. The people of villages in Vadipatti block have suffered a lot of deprived safe water facility. These families used to spend 2 to 4 hours per day on fetching the water. These family women had to walk more than 2 kilometers everyday to reach the nearest water point which is located in the area where higher community people are living. Still the practice of untouchability exists in these villages. These dalit women have to wait until the higher caste women finishes fetching the water. As a result of these practices, the dalit women spent considerable amount of time every day. Many times, children of these families unable to go schools and women unable to go to their work in time, as they needed to stand in the queue to collect water. VOCRDC has facilitated 10 safe water facilities by sinking 10 borewells, installing 10 water tanks and connecting the water tanks to 50 families of 10 villages through GI pipe and tap facilities. Presently the children are going to school regularly and the women are going to their work timely. As these women and girl children save considerable amount of time, they are using those time productively. The children are studying well by utilising those time and the women are engaged themselves in additional business activities.
- Reproductive child health education and training: VOC RDC in consideration of sexual exploitation, trafficking and vulnerability to pandemic disease conditions conducts RCH education in the focused 2 blocks of Vadipatti Taluk. The program minimizes the incidences of mother and child mortality rates, malnourished and under-nourished conditions. RCH education is given in participation of Anganwadi workers and block development coordinators of ICDCs and PRIs. It also develops community level health workers and enables timely response to emergency situations and refers to the Medical practitioners for follow-ups.
- Scaling up of Campaigns for Prevention of Hansen’s Disease (Leprosy):The aim of this program is prevention of Hansen’s disease (leprosy) through spreading the words by awareness cycle rally, poster campaign, wall writings, inter-face meeting with government health staffs, video screening in villages and schools, organizing screening camps, vaccination camp, media campaign and distribution of IEC materials. This program has been implemented in the 4 schools and 4 colleges of Vadipatti and Alanganallur blocks of Madurai district.
- Sanitation Facilities: The aim is to propagate the best methods of hygienic sanitation facilities provision through demonstration and dissemination. Low cost toilet facilities have been constructed with the support of District Rural Development Agency (DRDA). 7-schools and 200 families receive the facilities and practices.
- Total Rural Sanitation Campaign: In considering the open defecation, water borne disease spreads and water quality management prime needs constructed 1200 Low Cost individual Toilets to the households of Thirumangalam and Vadipatty Blocks with the subsidy from District Rural Development Agency (DRDA), Madurai and people’s contribution of free labor.
- World AIDS DAY Observance and Peer HIV/AIDS Education: VOC RDC organizes World’s AIDS Day every December 1st through Street Theatre programs and sensitization meetings. Students, Youth, Truck drivers, Commercial Sex Workers participate in the campaigns and supports in the preventions and care and support services. It provides the key risk groups the required knowledge about the prevention, care and support, counseling, testing, ART adherence and positive living services of government and HIV/AIDS service providers available within their proximity. Peer leaders have been developed among the infected, affected and unaffected communities and formed a peer pressure in the safe living, prevention and treatment services.