- Environment awareness program: VOC RDC regularly conducts National Environment Awareness Campaign since the last six years in partnership with the Government of India. Through this campaign we sensitize students, teachers, SHG members, small and marginal farmers and creates awareness on conservation and management of natural resources, liquid and solid waste management, rainwater harvesting systems, organic farming and sustainable agricultural practices.
- Afforestation program: VOC RDC has conducted environment exploitation implications studies in Sirumalai forest area and Conservation and restoration of degraded estuarine ecosystem of Pitchavaram Mangrove Forest of Tamil Nadu, India. We have restored 20 ha of Mangrove forest area with nursery raised and native collection and KEM potting of 40,000 saplings and provided opportunities of sustainable livelihood through crab fattening and formed an exclusive Conservation and Monitoring Committee. Community Based Coastal Eco-Development Programme and Livelihood after Tsunami: VOC RDC provides awareness of the coastal communities on the need of Mangrove conservation and afforestation and its contribution in the biodiversity conservation and coastal shield during Tsunami. 47-SHGs were provided with nursery raising and plantation techniques of Rhizophora and Avicenia. In the participatory workshop have grown 20000 seedlings and helped in the afforestation and income generation of the coastal natives. Each year communities were given awareness on conserving native tree species and restoring the degraded areas and subsequently planted selective 500 tree species with the help of Lions Club.
- Sustainable Agriculture Training to the Farmers: This unique program minimizes and nullifies the usage of chemical fertilizers and pesticides among the farmers and provides capacity building on traditional organic farming and watershed and water body managements.